And with all due respect, while I may be a novice at repairing tools I am pretty good with the Net, having been using it almost daily since before most of you were allowed onto it (used a BITNET-to-Internet gateway through the VAX at a remote college where I had an account), and I know how to search (without tracking cookies, no less). Your assumption that, "people can’t be bothered to search" is wildly inaccurate, at least in my case. When I pay $30 for a sander, I don’t expect to be able to get a new switch or brushes for it, I throw it away and replace it.which is why I only paid $30 for it. I have angle grinders and RO sanders for fiberglass that are the cheapest I can possibly find because the dust destroys them. They’re fine so long as you aren’t expecting them to become heirlooms. If you go back and read the answers that have been provided, you’ll find that the tone is one of the tools being disposable and single-use.

To suggest we feel it’s "beneath us" is showing your own pique. We aren’t a parts catalog, nor do we have any affiliation whatsoever with these (or any) brands. When they simply post the HF part number looking for sources, I’m not going to take the time to tell them to do the Google search they ought to have started with.

Don’t get me wrong: if someone wants to post "how do I fix problem X with my drill ?", I’m happy to help.but that’s not what we see. You can only read the same questions so many times (never mind answering them) before you give up. Repeatedly providing the same answers to questions that people can’t be bothered to search for is EXACTLY why it comes up in searches like you mentioned. And with the attitude of, "old parts requests, go away," how likely does it seem I would return?Ĭharlie, I can understand your point, but. And no, frankly, I don’t expect an answer to my specific request for part sources, since most of the Harbor Freight part source requests are a year or more old with no replies. (*shrug*) Your forum, your rules, but this one seems rather capricious - especially since the only reason I FOUND this forum is the number of posts related to Harbor Freight tool repair/parts (it never came up in searches on repairing plaster, or plumbing, or any of the other projects I’ve needed to tackle recently). A true DIYer will keep things running until completely out of spit, twine, and bailing wire. But then, the entire point of DIY is not hiring professionals, and keeping older tools running is part of the ethos. I get it, you are tired of hearing about folks attempting to fix tools that are "beneath" the professional. Finding parts for older unsupported power tools for repair is part of the process. Repairing a power tool oneself IS a DIY project. what do you think? Please leave me a comment. There may be a similar post that you could look for to assist you in finding where to look for parts or how to fabricate whatever equipment you have an issue with.

There are MANY more similar posts, to find them: